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Pinnacle Meditech is specializing in producing the state of the art Solutions, catering to Hospitals. The Solution suite consists of products and services that streamline the Radiology operations of a hospital.

The solution caters broadly in the areas of Image Archival, and Reading and Reporting for Radiologists. The solution offers seamless viewing to Radiologists and Clinicians across the hospital thus eliminating the need for films. The state of the art mobility portion of the solution caters to viewing on handheld devices such as iPad or Android based tablets. The collaborative sets of tools allow Radiologists and the Ordering Physicians Collaborate in Real time if needed. Our Radiology Information System caters to complex workflow requirements of a typical hospital bringing in efficiencies in the areas of Patient Registration, Scheduling, Ordering services and Billing. The goal of the RIS is to bring orders of efficiencies to increase throughput and reduce errors and improve overall quality in Radiology operations.

The solution brings state of the art advanced 3D and organ specific Radiology requirements, Scalable high volume throughput throughout the hospital support for wide variety of Imaging equipment all on a single platform.

The flexibility of the solution which is hardware agnostic and cloud ready is a delight to the IT Administration, which is next generation thus catering to a complex set of tomorrows requirements such as Cloud deployments, BYOD

PACS – RIS Benefits
  • Hard copy (film) replacement

  • Tele-Diagnosis

  • Seamless integration with EMR and HIS to provide a unified platform for complete patient workflow

  • Effective collaborative diagnosis

  • Viewing Clinical images on tablets

  • Advanced visualization on a single platform

  • Automated processes for optimized scheduling of resources

  • High User-satisfaction and technology acceptance

  • Increased efficiency in image analysis and report filling

  • Business value added in a short time

  • Optimized image handling in limited resources

  • Web-optimized clinical images on any handheld

  • Scope to reach larger network of referral base

  • Cost-effective solution in terms of capital and maintenance cost

  • Turnkey solution in cloud-computing and storage

  • Significant growth opportunities with Multi-Departmental (MD) PACS

  • Web-based Zero-footprint image viewer for quick access without any installs serving multiple scenarios including Tele-Radiology

  • State of the art VNA storage, which removes the complexity of the backend from the end user

  • Advanced visualization catering to specific sub-specialties such as the Brain, Heart or the Liver

Large Enterprise:

For our marquee customers who need a turnkey solution Pinnacle Meditechprovides niche consulting to ensure that the customer has a knowledgeable technology provider to help formulate and execute a long term strategy for quality healthcare. The areas of expertise will be in cloud-computing and storage solutions, networking for a broader enterprise setup including Tele-Radiology, and, also virtualization.

Pinnacle will provide the superior trending approach of Multi-Departmental (MD) PACS that will cater to the specific requirements of each selected clinical disciplines. This will significantly increase the opportunities to grow as a specialised healthcare provider

The solution brings state of the art advanced 3D and organ specific Radiology requirements, Scalable high volume throughput throughout the hospital support for wide variety of Imaging equipment all on a single platform.

Cutting edge technology used for successful Tele-Radiology among distributed radiology groups. In addition to traditional Thick client for Radiology workstations, our Zero footprint browser-based image viewer provides easy access to patient information on-site or at remote location.

Small and Medium Enterprise:

Typically, a radiologist needs fast access to data on an internet line to download and analyse a series of images. Pinnacle provides lossless imaging to ensure high fidelity images are available for analysis. Radiologist will find a suite of tools in Pinnacle package to quickly fill in on a report including templates both standard and customizable.

Radiologist can also find mobility by web-optimized clinical images on any handheld for late night case study. The patient and the referring doctor need a quick report to begin intervention. Pinnacle product seamlessly connects optimally even on low Bandwidths. It will work on any platforms such as, iPad, Macbook, Android and Windows, so that the radiologist is not stranded, no matter what the device. Pinnacle team ensures increased value added to the services provided by the diagnostic centers in a decreased time.

Small and medium Radiology centers face many obstacles such as outdated processes, networks and tools. Pinnacle package provides the right tools and clinical processes that will help the radiologists achieve optimum utilization of the available resources, increased efficiency and productivity in their analysis of clinical images and filling the reports. It will bring automated processes into action that will optimize scheduling of equipment, Radiologists, Technicians and patients. Pinnacle package will include a comprehensive workflow for reporting including worklists, alerts, notifications and actions.

Pinnacle products are readily accepted in the medical field for their easy integration with the existing standards based EHR/HIS, flexibility and data security. Pinnacle is clearly the popular choice as radiologists readily accept the user-friendly technology and rate it with high user-satisfaction. Pinnacle package will boost the technological value required for a successful medical center, by putting together the various high value modalities, staff and back office.

Pinnacle team will help to develop a roadmap for growth and success that includes latest technology with scope for VNA (Vendor-Neutral Archival), Zero-Footprint Viewer, cloud-based storage and advanced visualizations.

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